Since 2001 we have aligned ourselves with outstanding companies and general contractors. We take pride in our ability to handle projects of various scope and size. We have evolved over the years from a humble machine company to a recognizable brand that supports almost 20 families in kenya. We know our clients have choices and we are grateful for the opportunity to work for all of them. If you have not worked with Kafum before, or it’s been a while, we hope you will give us a chance to prove ourselves.

All  images on this website are copyright protected and should not be used in any website or print media without the permission of Kafum engineering services. Contact us if you wish to use them with permission.

Komorock Road,
Light industries, Nairobi
Tel: 0727 131 184
P.o box 844-00567

Facebook: Kafumengineering

Nerima crystal

P.o box 844-00567

Tel: 0738711073
